Wednesday 18 July 2012

PHOTO: Israeli Lawmaker Tears Up Copy Of New Testament…Throws It In Trash


A Zionist lawmaker tore up a copy of the New Testament to protest against the dissemination of the “despicable book”, which was sent to members of parliament by a Christian organisation.

The MP Michael Ben Ari of the ultra-nationalist National Union opposition party was one of the Knesset members who received by mail on Monday [July 16] a copy of the “Book of Testaments”.

It contains the Jewish Bible, known to Christians as the Old Testament, and the New Testament, the Gospels and epistles of the Christian faith written after the time of Jesus.

A letter sent with the book from the “Bible Society in Israel” director Victor Kalisher said the new edition “sheds light on the Holy Scriptures and helps understand them. In addition, the references show the close correlation” between the two.

picture published on the Zionist news website NRG-Maariv taken by Ben Ari’s aide shows the lawmaker tearing up the book.

“This despicable book galvanized the murder of millions of Jews during the Inquisition and during auto da fe instances”, he was quoted as saying in reference to the New Testament.

“This is an ugly missionary provocation by the church; this book and its senders should be in history’s trash can”, Ben Ari said on NRG-Maariv.

A parliamentary spokesman said that since it was a book and not dangerous materials that was sent, there was no reason to get involved in the lawmakers’ mail.

Kalisher was not immediately available for comment on Tuesday. However, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was horrified by reports that a member of the Zionist parliament tore up a copy of the New Testament and posed for photographs with the destroyed bible.

ADL called on Knesset Member Michael Ben Ari to publicly apologize for tearing up a copy of the New Testament he had received after a publisher sent copies to all members of the Zionist Knesset.

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